Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Next Frontier

I have come to a conclusion: I can't keep up this blog. At least, not in the way that I have been keeping it up. I have way too many random thoughts, and I type way too slow to keep up with my thinking. On the other hand, I can talk plenty fast enough to keep up with my rambling cognitions.

That leads me to a simple truth: I need to change this blog to something more like a vlog. I need to use a medium that will allow me to be both expressive and also not require me to hit [backspace] 500 times per entry. I am still working out the kinks, trying to find a way to do this that will be more aesthetically pleasing than just watching me yack for a few minutes. I will figure it out, though.

So stay tuned. Big things are about to start hap'nin round here.

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