On Monday I officially opened the doors of Riverbend Counseling, and I am now the proud owner of my own business.
I am equal parts excited and terrified.
I am excited because of all of the different opportunities that are now open to me. I can now start to realize some of the dreams I have always had, and make a practice that truly reflects my own personality and philosophy.
I am terrified because, as of right now, I am paying money to work. I have a few leads on clients, but nothing really concrete. So that is going to be the first order of business: get some clients.
I am working on that aspect of things right now. Meeting with folks in the community, in the Church, in schools. Basically just getting my name out there and hoping that someone will take a shot with me.
So many of you have been helpful and supportive. Thank you for that. There have been plenty of obstacles, from politics to bankers to office logistics, and those obstacles have been depressing. But then we get phone calls, emails, and Facebook messages that are so uplifting and encouraging that we know we can go on. We have also gotten so much direct support from our friends and family. It is reaffirming to see that, when the chips are down, our friends and loved ones have stepped up to help us out. We are so grateful for that support and kindness you have shown.
So keep your eyes open for new developments. I have a website that is under construction, and as soon as it is up I will be posting weekly blog entries on mental health topics. I will be posting links to that blog on this one.
So now it is win or go home time. I have always wanted to start a private practice, but I always imagined I would wait until I was in my 40s and the economy was booming. Well, that is not the hand I was dealt, but I am still going to make a run for it.
So, if you know anyone who needs a good therapist, I am available. In fact, I have appointments open from 9:00 to 6:00, Monday through Friday. The number to call is 303-250-8329. Ask for Dan, and tell him that Dan sent you.
Good job Dan!!! I am proud of ya bud.
Go Dan Go!
If you need help for your website (SEO, traffic, design, etc.), I have a friend who does amazing work.
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